Our food is measured in pH level. Scale is 0-14. PH level of 7 is neutral, acidic or alkaline. For the body to stay healthy will help to have a pH of arterial oxygen-rich blood to 7:45 7365.
Although the kidney is very good for balancing the acid-base balance that they can only throw a certain amount of waste every day. When toxins exceed the ability of the kidneys to get rid of their body is in a state of metabolic acidosis.
Here are some alkaline foods cauliflower, lettuce, tomatoes more vegetables, fruits like apples cherries, kiwi fruit, and raisins. Most of the acidic American diet of meat, fish, milk, cheese, sugar and sweets, grain products such as bread, cereal, and pasta.
Pure water has a pH of 7.0. PH drinking water is usually not neutral. That is because tap water bicarbonate, chloride, and minerals. Most tap water contains about 50 milligrams of dissolved solids. Usually solids including alkalizing minerals calcium, magnesium and bicarbonate alkalizing.
Alkalizing minerals and bicarbonates in the water may have a significant impact on acid-base balance. Mineral water with alkalizing form of bicarbonate and magnesium and calcium can reduce urinary calcium and bone loss. Forms of calcium and magnesium chloride increases the acidity. If chlorinated water is in your area you can be sure this form acid.
There is a separate water ionizers your tap water into two streams: alkaline mineral water for drinking and acidic mineral to cleanup and make your skin nice and smooth. Once through the water ionizer has a delicate sweet flavor rocky mountain stream.